Certification in Healthcare Chaplaincy is granted by The Healthcare Chaplaincy Board (HCB) or by the Chaplaincy Accreditation Board (CAB).
Both boards are distinct entities from ACPE (Ireland) Ltd. and the Certification process is independent from the CPE training.
Fr. John Kelly
Phone: 014142482
Email: john.kelly@tuh.ie
Sr. Pat O'Donovan
Healthcare Chaplaincy Board (HCB)
Council for Healthcare Office
Irish Bishops' Conference
Columba Centre Maynooth
Phone: 015053165
Email: pat.odonovan@iecon.ie
Chairperson of CAB
Dr Daniel Nuzum
C/O Church of Ireland House
Church Avenue
Dublin 6
Email: CAB@ireland.anglican.org
CAB Secretary:
The Rev'd Trevor Holmes
"We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland".
Address: P.O. 10858,
Phone: 01 803 2443
Phone: 01 803 4754
Email: info@acpeireland.com