Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Eccles St. Dublin 7

Directors: Dr. Myriam Massabo / Ms. Pauline O'Dowd

Telephone:   01 803 4754 / 00353 1 803 4754

Courses:   Three per year beginning in September, January and May

University Hospital Kerry, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Contact: Supervisor Dr Margaret Naughton

Enquiries: margaret.naughton2@hse.ie

Courses:   September 2023 & January 2024

Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, Northern Ireland

Director:   Rev Don Gamble / Sr. Mary Jo Corcoran

Telephone:   00447738297884 / 0044 77 9332246

Email:   don.gamble@setrust.hscni.net / maryjo12@me.com

Courses:   One course per year based in the Ulster Hospital Dundonald

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